Equality for all means a family for all, regardless of race, religion, sex, gender identity/expression and sexual orientation. At Conceptions Florida, we believe every person should have the opportunity to start a family. As active members of the Family Equality Council, our office has been professionally trained by the ‘Open-Door program’ to accommodate the LGBTQ+ community with every possible resource available in a comfortable and supportive environment.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): This type of cycle offers several different options depending on the patient or couple’s preference. Through IVF, a known or anonymous egg donor is stimulated to extract eggs. The eggs are then fertilized in the lab by the male patient or his partner’s sperm. In instances where both male partners would like to be biological fathers, the eggs retrieved from IVF can be separated and fertilized by sperm from both partners. The fertilized embryos are then transferred to a gestational carrier to carry the pregnancy.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): This type of cycle offers several different options depending on the patient or couple’s preference. Through IVF, a known or anonymous egg donor is stimulated to extract eggs. The eggs are then fertilized in the lab by the male patient or his partner’s sperm. In instances where both male partners would like to be biological fathers, the eggs retrieved from IVF can be separated and fertilized by sperm from both partners. The fertilized embryos are then transferred to a gestational carrier to carry the pregnancy.
1. Intrauterine insemination (IUI): This cycle involves either following
a woman’s natural ovulation (natural cycle) or taking oral medication
(stimulated cycle)* for 5 days followed by bloodwork and an ultrasound in
order to determine the precise date in which the IUI should take place. This treatment can be done with either a known or anonymous donor sperm.
*Although typically treated with oral medication, injectable medication might also be used.
2. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): There are several different options depending on the individual’s and or couple’s preference. Known or anonymous donor sperm can be used for fertilization. Embryos can either be transferred to the female whose eggs were used for fertilization or to the partner (reciprocal IVF).
1. Intrauterine insemination (IUI): This cycle involves either following a woman’s natural ovulation (natural cycle) or taking oral medication (stimulated cycle)* for 5 days followed by bloodwork and an ultrasound in order to determine the precise date in which the IUI should take place. This treatment can be done with either a known or anonymous donor sperm.
2. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): There are several different options depending on the individual’s and or couple’s preference. Known or anonymous donor sperm can be used for fertilization. Embryos can either be transferred to the female whose eggs were used for fertilization or to the partner (reciprocal IVF).
During the process of transitioning, there are several factors that can affect your fertility future or ability to conceive.
1. Estrogen and Testosterone: These hormones, used in the form of medication, play a major role in how a patient will transition physically and internally to the desired gender. Naturally produced within the body, these hormones also play a major role in reproduction. Our doctors will review the dosing, duration, and metabolic response to these medications when determining your treatment options. Stopping your current medications may be required depending on your particular treatment plan.
2. Surgical transition: The type of surgical procedure performed
may or may not have an impact on the treatment options available. Cosmetic surgeries such as breast augmentation, facial reconstruction,
fat distribution etc. have minimum impact on treatment options. Larger
invasive procedures that physically alter the human body, such as a
vaginoplasty or phalloplasty, can greatly restrict the treatment options
Same sex couple defeat cancer and infertility
The staff is awesome, it’s like we made friends. We felt comfortable.
– Janelle