Review your insurance policy. Contact them to help understand your benefits & fertility coverage.

Schedule a New Patient Appointment & provide us with your insurance information.
Our billing team will contact your insurance company to verify your level of coverage.
We’ll answer any questions you have regarding your coverage and reimbursement for treatment .
Conceptions does not accept Medicaid or Medicare insurance plans. We will not bill Medicaid/Medicare for any services provided by ORM or RML as we are not participating providers. You will be financially responsible for all services and payment will be due at the conclusion of each office visit.
If Conceptions is out of network with your insurance plan you may have limited coverage through an out of network benefit. We will check for out of network coverage as part of the insurance benefit determination process.
If a prior authorization is required for your services, it is your responsibility to determine if an authorization is on file before beginning your treatment cycle. If you wish to proceed with treatment prior to obtaining authorization you may be expected to pay out of pocket.
Our physicians are specialists in Reproductive Endocrinology. If you are seeking care in order to achieve a pregnancy you can expect that most, if not all, of your visits will be coded (diagnosed) as infertility or infertility related.
*Please note, most insurances exclude any infertility services when infertility is a result of a tubal ligation or vasectomy.
Insurance companies have the right to review claims for proper reimbursement for up to three years after the claim is made. This means that reimbursements that were made in the past can be reversed. When this occurs, the insurance company can demand refund reimbursement from you or from our practice. Should an insurance company in the future deny benefits for services rendered in the past and thus request refund of payment to them, payment for the services becomes the responsibility of the patient.
The Billing Process at Conceptions Florida
On your path to growing the family of your dreams, we will be there every step of the way to help you with the financial and administrative parts of your treatment too. Generally speaking, you can expect the following steps:
- To begin, you will present your valid insurance card to our Front Desk staff, sign off on authorization to bill your insurance provider, and complete forms regarding your privacy wishes, according to HIPAA Privacy Rule.
- After each visit, we will collect your patient responsibility and then bill your insurance provider in a timely manner.
- An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) will be sent to you by your insurance carrier. Our Billing Department will receive a copy too, along with payment. This document details denials, adjustments, and other important information regarding your coverage. In the event of payment denials, we will automatically resubmit claims. Please visit our Insurance Plans & Coverage page for more information.
- Depending on your treatment plan and the service provided, you may receive separate bills from Conceptions Florida, independent laboratories, anesthesiologist, and/or other professional specialists. If you have any questions regarding these bills, please contact the company from which you received the bill directly.
Pricing Clarity & Transparency
Insurance Plans & Coverage
We’ve had the privilege of helping growing families of all types, so we know that planning for and undergoing fertility treatment can be emotionally demanding and stressful all on its own. Financial uncertainties can only exacerbate these concerns, and navigating your insurance coverage and benefits can be time-consuming, confusing, and just as stressful. At Conceptions Florida, our team will work together with you and your insurance provider to make things as easy and affordable as possible from start to finish.
Verification of Benefits (VOB)
To help you determine the specifics of your insurance coverage, we offer a Verification of Benefits (VOB) service. On your behalf, we’ll contact your insurance carrier for up to one hour, reviewing details with them to fully assess which aspects of your treatment plan are covered. This verification process is the first step to help you more fully understand what you can expect of your insurance coverage and your own out-of-pocket costs.
Please note: The VOB is not legally binding, and Conceptions Florida cannot be held responsible for the information provided by your insurance company. Final payment decisions are made between you and your insurance company.
Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
After we submit a claim to your insurance company, they will provide an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) to both you and our office. This is an important document which details the amount paid to Conceptions Florida by your insurance provider, the amount you owe out of pocket, and any claim denials, write-offs, adjustments, or other deductions to your balance that we may be required to take, along with explanations.
When we receive our copy of your EOB, it typically includes a check for payment.
Important Documents Patients Should Keep
For your protection, please keep copies of all of the following:
- Your insurance cards
- Your HIPAA privacy form
- Receipts for all payments you make to Conceptions Florida
- All statements/invoices related to your care
- All letters from your insurance company
- Your VOB
- Any financial estimates provided by Conceptions Florida
Payment Denials
If your insurance provider denies payment, claim denials will be stated on the EOB received by you and our office. In the event of a denial, we will automatically resubmit claims. If it appears that you are responsible for any fees, we will contact you to discuss payment arrangements, and thereafter will send you monthly invoices.
Please note: You have the legal right to appeal all claims to your insurance company, and they must respond within thirty days. Additionally, you have the right to file a claim with the Insurance Commissioner of the state in which you reside. Our staff is more than happy to help you in these situations, and can help provide you with the appropriate contact information, if needed.
Insurance Providers
We accept all the following forms of insurance. Regardless of whether your company is listed, please contact our office to verify coverage.
Fertility Financing
Our team will work closely with both you and your insurance provider to ensure that you receive the maximum coverage available and have the lowest out-of-pocket expenses. We also partner with several leading financing services that assist patients undergoing fertility care to provide additional support to those who need it, and make our treatment options and payment plans as affordable as possible. Financing options can vary from state to state and patient to patient, but we are here to help. Please contact our Financial Advocates for more information.
CapexMD specializes in patient financing services for all fertility treatment options. Through our partnership with CapexMD, we are able to offer customized loan programs with highly competitive rates that include a variety of loan types. Their simple loan process makes the experience of fertility financing relatively stress-free.
Their loan programs cover all fertility treatment options — including fertility medications and genetic testing if necessary — so you can be sure that none of your expenses are left uncovered.
Together with CapexMD we can make sure financial issues do not get in the way of your dream of having a baby.
Apply online and receive your pre-approval within 24 hours. Learn more about CapexMD by visiting their site or by calling 1-888-497-8414.
Prosper Healthcare Lending
Prosper Healthcare Lending is the premier financing option for healthcare procedures. The healthcare financing industry has been flooded with high-interest credit cards that may help you pay for the treatment you need, but often end up causing more harm than good. Financing through Prosper Healthcare Lending offers healthy, simple interest loans with no prepayment penalties, no retroactive interest, longer terms for lower monthly payments, and an inquiry process that will only take you minutes to complete. We truly “Make HealthCare Affordable.”